W.C. Fields once said, “Never work with children or animals.” And he had a good reason. In the entertainment industry, there’s no faster way to be upstaged than by working alongside a child.
Your wedding ceremony is almost like a stage play, directed and rehearsed to your liking. However, if you’re thinking about using children in your ceremony, be prepared for things not to go as planned.
What’s your attitude?
Are you a perfectionist? Does every little detail have to be just so for you to feel that an event is a success? If this is the case, you should probably avoid using children in your wedding. Younger children may not be able to follow directions to a T, and even older, well-behaved children may take the opportunity to show off when they’re in the spotlight.
If you feel you can laugh off the antics of a precocious or cranky child, then by all means, include them in your ceremony.
How include kids
Traditionally, a wedding procession is led by a flower girl daintily dropping rose petals followed by a ring bearer carrying the symbols of a life together on a satin pillow. It’s better not to let the ring bearer carry the rings no matter how old he is. Allow him to proceed with the pillow, but have the best man hold the rings. Also, make sure there is a family member who can “wrangle” the children by giving them cues or collecting them if they begin to make too much of a scene.
If you feel that no children who will attend the wedding are old enough or mature enough to participate in the ceremony, there are still some options to include them in the big day. You can name children as an honourary part of the wedding ceremony, but not actually have them participate.
Even if children aren’t involved in the wedding ceremony, there may be some other chores they can be tasked with on the big day. Older children can be used as runners or messengers so the bridal party doesn’t have to leave the privacy of their suite. Younger children can help sweep up rice or take down decorations.
Children are a blessing for a family and should be included in your big day. How big of a role they should play should depend on your own comfort level.