Your wedding is approaching and you’re in constant contact with your bridesmaids. You may be excited about your upcoming nuptials but there are some things you should be careful of when talking to your bridesmaids.
Don’t dictate where you want your bachelorette party. You may be tempted to tell the bridesmaids that you want a weekend out of town but be careful. Your friends may be on a tight budget and an expensive weekend away could break the bank. Allow your party to be something everyone can afford and enjoy.
Don’t spend every minute talking about your wedding. You’re obsessed – we get it. But not everything revolves around you. In fact, you’d be better off if you take some time to think about something other than your wedding. Try to limit the time you talk to your bridesmaids about wedding related details.
Nobody likes a diva, especially when she’s supposed to be your friend. Don’t be so bossy that your bridesmaids want to run and hide when they hear your voice. Try not to keep reminding them that you’re in charge – allow them to have a voice.
Don’t tell your bridesmaids that you have chosen their bridesmaid dress. You may be very tempted to pick out a dress you like but don’t do it. Allow your bridesmaids to have a choice and a voice in the dress since they will be wearing it and paying for it.
Don’t let your bridesmaids know they need to join you for a fitness class, a spa day, or an exercise program. Yes, they want to look their best but they have other things to worry about. If you want to take part in these activities you can ask if anyone is interested – but don’t force it on them.
Don’t make appointments for your bridesmaids and expect them to pay for it. You may want your bridesmaids to have their hair done on the morning of the wedding, but don’t expect them to pay for it. Unless you’re willing to foot the bill you shouldn’t tell them how they need to spend their money.
Don’t ask your bridesmaids to be someone they’re not. You knew their personalities and their faults before asking them to join your wedding party. It’s not fair now to ask them to change. Accept your friends for who they are.